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Frequently asked questions

Still have questions? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer them.

When will you release the app?

Currently, the app is below testing. We are looking to position all the attempt into bringing the fine possible outcome.

Why should we trust you?

Our team searches for precise information and our services are absolutely free of cost so, unlike others, we provide trusted details and genuine reviews on all categories of products.

Who are We?

I am Shravan and my teammate Amit, and We work on app designs and development. Additionally, we have already made many apps before. Check more about us here.

Why pick you instead of others?

Because We provide all the applicable and suitable content. We ensure you to get the exceptional from us.

How will you earn?

We are currently working on our content, so till now, we do not have the intention to make money. You can expect the highest quality from our side for free and we expect you to share about us with your friends.

How lot are you spending on this project?

All we use is our understanding. TIME is MONEY, money can come back but not time. We invest our valuable time in making your work easy. Please support & encourage us through sharing this.

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